Looking for a zombie hunt, zombie walk, zombie meet, zombie paintball, zombiecon, zombiefest and other zombie events near you in Baltimore area of Maryland? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Baltimore area of Maryland, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
Zombie paintball, zombie walks, zombie-cons and other zombie-related fun are all fairly new, so they don't yet exist in all parts of each state. Help us find them; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for February 2025
February: Zombie Paintball is about to start at some cornmazes, pumpkin patches and farms. They usually start opening in mid August.
Zombie Events and Activity Listings
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Anne Arundel County
Baltimore County
Calvert County
Carroll County
Charles County
Frederick County
Harford County
Howard County
Montgomery County
- Field of Screams Maryland - zombie
paintball, haunted trail, haunted house, haunted hayrides
Olney-Laytonsville Rd, Olney, MD 20832 Email:
FieldofScreamsMaryland@gmail.com. Open: see their website for
dates and hours. We welcome you to Field of
Screams Maryland a collection of Halloween haunted attractions
for local Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia
(VA). PAINTBALL APOCALYPSE: A hellish ride through zombie
infested lands on a large, black, steel, double decker cart which
is the only thing protecting you from certain infestation! Battle
zombies by shooting glow in the dark paintballs at them as they
attack - you have paintball guns and they dont!! TRAIL OF TERROR:
A 35 min walk through a haunted forest best known for being the
place where a farmer from Dream City lost his life and was
skinned alive by the most powerful werewolf in the world who is
competing to rule over all of Scream City. LUSION MANOR: In 1933,
the Lusion Manor Orphanage opened its doors for the first time as
Angelica Ream attempted to give back to her community. It was a
place of hope for children whose lives had been torn apart by the
great depression. It remained that way until the late 60's when
individuals claiming to be long lost relatives of the Lusion
family claimed the property was rightfully theirs and attempted
to steal it away through black magic freight, nightly raids
destroying the grounds and leaving butchered animals and horrific
sites for the orphanage's children to see. Over the many years of
terror, most of the children left as did all of the adults who
managed it. Recently, it has been discovered that many of the
children had no where else to go and have grown up in the
orphanage which was once a place of warmth and love but now, it
is something very different. HADES' HAUNTED HAYRIDE:
haunted hayride like few have every experienced!!! The cornfield
of this old farm is haunted by several of the evil clans that
were conjured up by the Lusions and who rule parts of Scream
City. There is a rumor that something so frightening that few can
even look at it escaped the underworld and dwells within in the
corn. Want to be an Actor or be part of the Haunt Design or
Construction Team or be a Make-up Artist? Contact
Prince George's County
St. Mary's County